Sunday, March 8, 2009

Welcome To DM Horizons

DM Horizons was born about a year ago, in a more private avatar. It was a small fortnightly write-up that was circulated via e-mail in the company that I used to work for. The intention was to spread information about new and emerging trends in Direct Marketing.

I have quit the firm since then, and am dabbling in a few things at the moment, apart from doing my PhD. Consider yourselves warned - there might creep in an added degree of abstruseness as time goes by!

About DM Horizons, though - eventually it metamorphosed into doing write-ups about marketing in general - there were pieces written on old and established practices, pieces on strategies that I thought would make sense from a marketing perspective, and other such... focussed ramblings, if you will.

The intention is pretty much the same for these pages - I'll be writing about any topic that I think is in some way related to marketing. I want to do this primarily because I firmly believe that writing - with a reasonably regular frequency - about any topic increases your need to read up more about it. Which is a good thing, from my perspective.

What is in it for you? You, hopefully, get to learn something new - or at least a new perspective on an old topic. If you would care to get a discussion going on and around the topic - well, thanks! That'd be just great.

I hope to post on a somewhat regular basis - certainly more frequently than a fortnightly basis.


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